Mehmet Vehbi Yavuzlar, who was appointed as the first CEO of the federation has officially resigned from his post as of 27 November 2013 due to health reasons. He was born in 1957 in Turkey.
He has graduated as a Chemical Engineer. Instead of seeking an academic or corporate career, he decided to become a teacher. It was a turning point in his life – and the life of many other young men and women. For more than 25 years, he inspired thousands with his unique teaching but more than that with his exemplary personality. His name became a legend in teaching circles in Turkey. His teaching motto was “No student should be left behind!”. Not achieving was not an option in his class! His students consider themselves lucky to witness one of the great teachers of all time in action. He was the head of the Turkish Schools in Eastern Africa for 4 years, before coming to Australia in 2009.
In one of his latest interview he commented on teaching “Teaching is the world’s most blessed profession. It is through our teachers that the new generations’ develop their character and academic skills. Generally, students start intense studying in years 11 and 12. In my opinion this is not right. Educators should not stand as idle spectators to this issue. Enjoying learning, and having a solid foundation should begin in the first years of the school life. Without applying pressure, teachers should aim to get students to like their subjects and to follow a steady study schedule. Teachers have two important duties. Firstly; with their subject and material preparation and class management skills, they should be performing their jobs as if they were an actor in a theatre show. Secondly; through a student-centred teaching approach they should try to motivate the students so that they could be active both in the classroom and at home. They should try to bring them in to the community as ‘self-motivated’ individuals.”
In the same interview he also explained the reason behind the name changes some of the AUF affiliated instutitions “AUF wants to contribute to Australia’s multi-culturalism. We are very sincere in this regard. In our everyday lives we are in direct contact with people from different backgrounds. However there is no doubt that the most influential and lasting interactions is in the educational institutions. By giving our foundations and schools English names, we thought that non-Turkish parents would be more comfortable with the idea of sending their children to our schools. We are resolute with our educational and mentoring principles. To date these values have made us successful and so we shall continue following this path. We are certain that the Australian youth will be satisfied with our existing educational system and its quality. We want our services to encompass not only the Turkish and the Muslim populace but also the whole of the Australian community.”
He has been known to all as a dedicated community person, who has set an example to all around him. His position will be replaced by Mr Teyfik Aydinlioglu, Corporate Services Manager of Galaxy Foundation.